Aftercare and Post Treatment Checklist for PDO Threads

Aftercare for your PDO Threads Treatment

  1. Some tenderness may be experienced during the first few hours after treatment.
  2. Keep the treatment area (and face in general) clean immediately after the procedure and do not apply makeup. Do not touch or wash face for at least 12 hours following treatment.
  3. Swelling and bruising for the first 24 - 48 hours following treatment is completely normal, since the skin has been penetrated multiple times by threads.
  4. If needed, you can periodically ice the treatment area during the first 2 days to reduce swelling and discomfort.
  5. You may take pain killers as required after the procedure.
  6. Gentle skincare (eg. usual washing, drying and moisturising) may be resumed 48 hours after the procedure. No active skincare.
  7. Try sleeping face-up and if possible, elevated by pillows for the next 3 days. This will help further minimize swelling and pressure on the treatment areas.
  8. Avoid eating foods that require lots of chewing for the first few days after treatment.
  9. Avoid rubbing the face harshly when washing, shaving and drying it during the week following treatment to avoid accidentally dislodging a thread. Be gentle and don’t push too hard in your treatment areas.
  10. Avoid high impact sports, running, strenuous exercise or heavy lifting for 1 - 2 weeks following treatment, as they may cause too much movement int the facial and/or neck area.
  11. Try to avoid aspirin for 2 weeks after treatment.
  12. Avoid dental procedures that will require you to open your mouth widely, for 2 weeks.
  13. Do not visit saunas for at least 2 weeks.
  14. Active skincare (eg. AHAs/BHAs, scrubs, exfoliation, retinol, retinal, Vitamin A or C products, topical medications or strength creams) can be resumed from 3 weeks after treatment.
  15. Avoid facial massages and skin treatments for 3 - 4 weeks.
  16. Where possible and within reason, avoid pursing your lips, smoking, and drinking through a straw for the first several weeks for best results.

The PDO Threads Procedure

A PDO thread lift is an injectable procedure that uses multiple dissolvable sutures (threads) to gently tighten your skin. Approximately 20 to 50 threads are used per area. These sutures are made of an absorbable polymer called polydioxanone, and are capable of rejuvenating and ‘lifting’ your skin. But don’t be fooled, these biodegradable little threads are both durable and flexible. They work by acting as a replacement support structure for the loss of elasticity within an area. This then allows the skin’s natural collagen production to increase, and take the thread’s place as it dissolves. The results after 2 treatments have been proven to last 6 to 12 months, dependent on the client’s original skin elasticity and age.

One major positive of PDO threads is that they can be performed and achieve effective results without all the fuss and invasiveness of a procedure like a facelift surgery. Which generally means there is much less downtime also. However, for further improvements it may be suggested to have PDO threads in conjunction with other anti-ageing procedures, facials, etc. Ideally, this treatment suits clients who have a mild to moderate loss in skin elasticity and are in need of some tightening or skin improvement.

Important info regarding your PRP Treatment

Please follow our PDO Threads Post-Treatment Aftercare Instructions to make the most of the procedure and post treatment recovery. Please ensure you have read and understand the post-appointment checklist.